October 10, 2023

Tuning a Fundamental Material Property with an Electronic Coating

A graphene-insulator coating enables scientists to tune the energy required to liberate electrons from semiconductors.

October 6, 2023

Scientists Discover a New Phase of High-Density, Ultra-Hot Ice

Ultrafast X-ray studies reveal the existence of Superionic Ice XIX, which could explain the unusual magnetic fields of icy giant planets.

October 2, 2023

A Fast, Efficient, and Abundant Catalyst for Carbon Dioxide Reduction

A tungsten carbide catalyst can produce a hydrocarbon from carbon dioxide at high rates and high efficiency.

September 22, 2023

Why Is It So Hard to Make Batteries Smaller and Lighter?

Scientists freeze and cut a battery in half to look inside and reveal why it fails.

September 18, 2023

Perovskite Stability and Solar Conversion Performance Improve in Materials with Less Bromide Migration

Researchers find a way to improve the stability of hybrid organic-inorganic crystals called mixed halide-perovskites, a promising material for solar cells.

September 15, 2023

Observing the Coherent Motion of Electrons with an Attosecond Stopwatch

Scientists illuminate the quantum dynamics of electrons in highly excited molecules.

September 13, 2023

Scientists Probe the Source of Key Hydrocarbons on Earth—and in Space

A molecule found in combustion on Earth and surrounding some stars can lead to the formation of an important organic hydrocarbon.

September 11, 2023

Plastic Deformation Engineering Dramatically Enhances Quantum Phenomena

Scientists use a common engineering approach to enhance the superconductivity and induce ferroelectricity in the quantum material strontium titanate.

September 8, 2023

New Material Enables an Ultrafast Electron Diffraction Probe for Quantum Materials

Bright electron beams unlock the study of small, thin materials on ultrafast timescales.

September 5, 2023

X-ray Spectral Microscopy Reveals The Active Edges of a Water-Splitting Material

X-rays penetrate a working electrode to determine the structure and chemistry in play when water enters the electrochemically active layers.